Exercise and Me: A Journey to Physical and Mental Well-being

by Hannah Goodridge ~ 4 min read

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I've always been an active person, and exercising has been my way of relaxing, destressing, and maintaining my physical health.

My Cycling Days

Before hitting the gym, I used to cycle to and from work. I loved cycling so much that I bought my first road bike and constantly aimed to achieve the fastest Strava commute time of the week. However, cycling to work had its downsides. It took a lot of time to get ready for work, as I needed to shower and change before getting to my desk. Despite being early for work most of the time, I never truly benefited from it due to the time it took to prepare.

I continued cycling for eight years until the pandemic hit and disrupted everyone's lives and routines. Fortunately, I consider myself lucky because I moved into a new house in 2019, and we had an old pig shed that we converted into a home office. This gave my husband and me a significant advantage and prepared us for the work-from-home lifestyle (which I'll save the details of our setup for another blog post).

Adapting During the Pandemic

Exercise took a hit during the pandemic. With gyms closed, I had to find alternative ways to burn calories. I started running on the cycle track. However, running without proper preparation and on hard ground quickly led to excruciating back spasms and a slipped disc. With chiropractic treatment, exercise, and six months of patience, I managed to recover, although my back was never the same. Further medical advice revealed I had degenerative disc disease.

The Road to Recovery

I've never been particularly flexible and often wondered if my back issues stemmed from my lack of flexibility. Determined not to let my back issues stop me from exercising, I started going to the gym and focused on strength training.

Embracing the Gym

I've been a gym-goer since 2015, thanks to my husband's encouragement. Initially, my routine consisted of about 45-50 minutes of cardio and very light weight training. I believed that lifting weights would make me bulky, but I was wrong.

In 2021, I returned to the gym and focused on strength training. One of the exercises my physiotherapist recommended was the leg press, which was a game changer for me. It helped alleviate the pain from piriformis syndrome and allowed me to build up my strength.

Mental and Physical Transformation

The primary reason I go to the gym is for my mental health and to manage my back issues. Everything else gained while in there is a bonus. There are days when I don't want to go, but I always feel better afterward.

Currently, I focus on strength training with 45-50 minutes of weight training and 10-15 minutes of cardio. I've been consistent for a few months now, and the results are noticeable in both my body shape and mental health. I'm stronger, more confident, and I feel better in myself.

Lessons Learned

Exercise is not just about losing weight or getting fit; it's about feeling good in yourself and being happy. Consistency and patience are key, not the hours spent in the gym.

I'm excited to see where my fitness journey takes me next. As a frontend developer, maintaining my physical and mental well-being is crucial for my productivity and creativity. By sharing my journey, I hope to inspire others in the tech industry to prioritize their health and well-being.

Benefits of Exercise for a Frontend Developer

As a frontend developer, exercise offers numerous benefits:

  • Enhanced Focus and Productivity: Regular exercise improves concentration, allowing me to tackle complex coding tasks more efficiently.
  • Stress Reduction: Physical activity helps manage stress, essential for the high-pressure environment of software development.
  • Improved Creativity: Exercise stimulates brain function, fostering creativity and innovative thinking, crucial for UI/UX design.
  • Better Posture and Health: Strength training helps counteract the effects of prolonged sitting, reducing the risk of back pain and other musculoskeletal issues.
  • By integrating regular exercise into my routine, I can maintain a healthy work-life balance, ensuring sustained performance and job satisfaction in my career as a frontend developer.